All About Me
Name: Mark
Nickname: Merv (Given to me my second day of High School)
Age: 21
Height: 5 feet, 11 inches
Weight: 140 pounds
Education: Preschool-Grade 8: St. Josaphat Ukrainian Catholic Catherdral School
High School: Padua Franciscan High School (graduated with honors +__+)
College: I am currently a Senior at Cleveland State University who is Majoring in Communication and Minoring in Philosophy.
Occupation: Once again a ticket taker at the Parmatown Mall theater, but only on the weekends!
Friends: Stefan, Russ, Matt Penny, Billy, Kevin M and Kevin T at CSU.
Favorite Movie: Toss up between "Grosse Point Blank" and "It's a Wonderful Life"
Favorite Current Actors: John Cusack and Ben Affleck.
Favorite Classic Actors: Jimmy Stewart and Vincent Price.
Favorite TV Shows: ANGEL and EVERWOOD
Favorite Old Shows: the Beverly Hillbillies, I Love Lucy, and the Andy Griffith Show.
Favorite Cartoon: Batman: TAS, Batman:Beyond, and Pokemon.
Favorite Bands: WEEZER, the Wallflowers, Third Eye Blind, U2, Unwritten Law, and Zwan.
Favorite RPGs: Castlevania: SOTN, Final Fantasy 7, Lunar:SSSC, and Wild ARMs.
Favorite Comic Books: All Batman Titles, New X-Men, and Ultimate Spider-Man.